Image 2023 01 10 T09 57 38
Elizabeth Ferguson

Elizabeth Ferguson


About Elizabeth

I work on the permananet side of the business focusing on Health and Safety positions across the public sector, universities, charities and NGO's.

Work highlight

Making a placement that I know is as beneficial for the candidate as it is for the client is a great feeling, but I do enjoy a good catch-up call. Nothing confirms an ideal match better than a candidate who is loving their job. Knowing that I have contributed to others’ job satisfaction and enjoyment is something I find satisfying and enjoyable – two things everyone should get from their work.

Out of office

When I am not eating or walking my dog, I am decorating my flat, the ‘doer-upper’ myself and my partner purchased in 2022. It’s turned out to be a huge project but an enjoyable one. I am also trying to re-learn the piano after giving it up when I was much younger – something my mother always told me I would regret. She was correct.

Contact Elizabeth